My work in the European parliament consist of being Renew Europe coordinator of the Committee of Agriculture and Rural Development and a substitute member of the Committee on Regional Development.
Furthermore, I also work as a substitute member in both the Delegation for relations with the United States and the Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand.
The Committee is responsible for EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), animal health and welfare, plant health, agricultural products quality and forestry. The fundamental goals of EU’s Common Agricultural Policy are to ensure an adequate standard of living for producers and to enable food production in all parts of the EU, including its northernmost regions.
The committee is responsible for the operation and development of the Union’s regional development and cohesion policy, as well as the European Regional Development Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the other instruments of the Union’s regional policy. In addition, the committee handles trans-frontier and interregional cooperation.
My political group in the European Parliament is called Renew Europe, which includes Finnish MEPs from the Centre Party and the Swedish People’s Party of Finland. The new group was formed after the 2019 European Parliament elections on the basis of the former Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe group.
Renew Europe is the fifth largest political group in the European Parliament.
The goal of our group is to renew Europe through cooperation. We believe that economic growth, sustainability of the environment, fair competition and responsibility go hand in hand.